PHP & MySQL - Novice to Ninja, now available!

What seems like a very long time ago now, SitePoint asked me to update their popular book PHP & MySQL: Novice to Ninja. Specifically they wanted to cover PHP 7 and go further in depth with OOP
I can happily say, that the book is now available for you to order in digital and physical formats.
A lot of my readers may be a little advanced for this book, it's aimed at beginners for the most part. However, there is a lot of useful information about Object-Oriented Programming and the thought processes behind the design decisions made when developing frameworks.
Anyone reading this blog is unlikely to find much of value in the first few chapters where I cover if statements and loops. But If you're at a level where you're analyzing the merits of different MVC approaches, then you're probably a little beyond what this book will teach you. However, if you've never built a PHP framework from scratch, or you don't really know how routing, controllers or ORMs work, then this book is for you! I walk you though creating a framework from scratch using Object-Oriented Programming. You'll learn about interfaces, namespaces, class design and separation of concerns.
For those people who email me and say "I'm good at PHP but I don't really get OOP." or understand how to write a class but don't know why or how to split your code up, this book is ideal.
Like my posts on this blog, I don't just cover how with examples but I discuss the pros/cons of different approaches and end with a fully functional (but fairly basic) framework after examining the reason behind the way things are done.
An electronic version is available on and physical and kindle copies are available on Amazon UK and Amazon US